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Autumn Field
Beach and Sea, Iona
Blue Jug of Flowers on Orange
Cosmos and the last of the Cornflowers
Cow Parsley and the Field Edge, Fife
Cow Parsley and Yellow Sky
Dahlias on Blue
Dahlias on Red
Dark Red Still Life with Blue Jug
Field Edge, Late Afternoon
Helenium and other Garden Flowers
Iona, Sea and Rocks
Late Summer Field
Logie Field and Yellow Sky
Long Grasses, Lochore. Mid Summer
Monk's Strand, Beach and Rocks, Iona
Peonies and Delphiniums, June
Roses and Helenium on Pink and Yellow Ground
Sky and Trees, Fife
Summer Flowers from the Garden on a Purple Ground
The Field Edge up from Logie
The Garden Border, Delphiniums and Helenium
The Green Spotted Jug
The Strand of the Monks, Iona
Tulips and Lilies on a Blue Background
White Beach, Iona